Our Vision: "Women and girls have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams."
4/27/20 Introducing the Founder Region Virtual Conference!
by Founder Region on May 21st, 2020
The 44th Annual Founder Region Conference, like a caterpillar, is undergoing a metamorphosis and will soon emerge as a beautiful butterfly called the Founder Region Virtual Conference!  The Founder Region and Fellowship boards are “Empowering Change” to bring our typical conference content to you online in light of the “stay-in-place” restrictions brought on by the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic.  We...  Read More
3/16/20 Founder Region Conference Cancellation
by Founder Region on May 21st, 2020
The Founder Region Board met March 15, 2020, via conference call; we are saddened to inform you that we have unanimously voted to CANCEL the Founder Region Conference scheduled for May 1-3, 2020.  We are taking guidance and recommendations from the CDC concerning the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak very seriously.  We consider the health and welfare of our members and attendees as the most importa...  Read More
2/15/20 Rejuvination!
by Founder Region on May 21st, 2020
February is a busy month for Soroptimist and we are rejuvenating!  This year we were thrilled to charter Soroptimist International of Oakmont Wine Country on 02/02/2020.  This was a wonderful conclusion to our Founder Region Board Meeting weekend where we spent a lot of time planning for our Founder Region Conference and preliminary planning for our June Leadership training.February is also our Fu...  Read More
1/5/20 Happy New Year!
by Founder Region on May 21st, 2020
Welcome to 2020!  May you have clear vision and make the Empowering Changes that will make your  club, your world and your relationships a little brighter and a little better than before.Governor Sylvia ...  Read More
11/17/2019 - Live Your Dream Awards Deadline Extension
by Founder Region on November 20th, 2019
Because of the fires, evacuations and power outages, SIA has granted an extension to clubs in Founder Region and other California regions to continue to accept Live Your Dream Award applications through December 15, 2019!  The Live Your Dream online portal is also allowing a grace period until Wednesday, November 20th for applicants to finish applications that were already started in the portal.  ...  Read More
11/17/2019 October 2019 District Meetings
by Founder Region on November 20th, 2019
We were glad to see many of our members at District Meetings and we hope those who attended are sharing the importance of Creating Positive Club Experiences in order to make volunteering with Soroptimist more fun for everyone!  We especially want to thank our District Directors and the host clubs for doing a great job in helping to coordinate these successful meetings....  Read More




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