Our Vision: "Women and girls have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams."

"S" Club/Sigma Society

"S" Club Information

In 1966, SIA established Sigma and "S" clubs, providing Soroptimists the opportunity to mentor college and high school age women and girls and to instill within them a desire for volunteerism. Both high school girls and college women face unique gender bias, discrimination and challenges as they grow up and enter the working world. Mentoring girls and women through the sponsorship of a Sigma or "S" club, enables Soroptimists to impart invaluable support and guidance, while providing growth and leadership opportunities.  Sigma Societies are formed for college women and S clubs are for high school age girls.

"S" Clubs are service clubs for high school students in our communities. They are considered "projects" of Soroptimist clubs. "S" clubs are a vital part of the high school extracurricular groups and are a great way for high school students to learn about serving others and helping in the community. The "S" clubs in Founder Region focus on helping women and girls improve their lives through programs leading to social and economic empowerment.

Founder Region has an "S" Club Committee - contact information about the committee as well as a list of the "S" Clubs at our high schools can be found in the Founder Region Roster. There is also a Facebook group for "S" Club Advisors.

For more information, contact the "S" Club Chair
Dawn Shepherd at 

New "S" Club Logo (2023)

"S" Club Outstanding Senior Award

The "S" Club Outstanding Senior Award, specific to Founder Region, is offered solely for the purpose of honoring an outstanding high school senior who is a member of an “S” Club of Founder Region. Nominations for this award are submitted by clubs with the selection to be made by the “S” Club committee.  The number and value of this annual award is to be determined by the Region Board.
DEADLINE TO APPY - MARCH 1 of each year

"S" Club Grants

"S" Club Start-Up Grants
Founder Region has a special fund designated for “S” Clubs. The money is collected each year from clubs in the region. This money is designated for “S” Club Awards at conference, to help start “S” Clubs, and to help “S” Clubs with girl focused projects. Founder Region Procedures state that up to $500.00 can be granted for start-up costs, which could include promotional materials, refreshments for recruiting events, charter parties, t-shirts, pins and other costs associated with starting up an “S” Club. Applications will be reviewed by the Founder Region Board and “S” Club Committee. Please allow 60 days for approval process.  

"S" Club Project Grants
Founder Region has a special fund designated for “S” Clubs. The money is collected each year from clubs in the region. This money is designated for “S” Club Awards at conference, to help start “S” Clubs, and to help “S” Clubs with girl-focused projects. Up to $500.00 can be granted for girl-focused projects. Applications will be reviewed by the Founder Region Board and “S” Club Committee. Please allow 60 days for approval process.        

Refer to the Founder Region Roster on the   "Resources" page for a current list of "S" Clubs.

"S" Club Brochure

Sigma Society

In 1966, SIA established Sigma and “S” clubs, providing Soroptimists the opportunity to mentor college and high school age women and girls and to instill within them a desire for volunteerism. Both high school girls and college women face unique gender bias, discrimination and challenges as they grow up and enter the working world. Mentoring girls and women through the sponsorship of a Sigma or “S” club, enables Soroptimists to impart invaluable support and guidance, while providing growth and leadership opportunities. Sigma Societies are formed for college women and “S” clubs are for high school age girls.

Founder Region Sigima Society

Sigma Society of the University of Guam sponsored by SI/The Marianas