Our Vision: "Women and girls have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams."

2024-2026 Biennium

Soroptimist - Putting the Puzzle Together!

Wow, I have to say I am a bit in awe to be writing the Governor’s Blog.  But it’s time to PUT THE PUZZLE TOGETHER and we are going to have a wonderful successful biennium.
Several people have asked me “what does your theme mean?”  Here is the idea.

First, every one of us is an important and critical part of Soroptimist.  We each are a part of the puzzle.

Each club contributes its own unique character to the picture and fills in an important spot. More puzzle pieces.

Each of our programs also has its own special role in fulfilling the Soroptimist mission.  Live Your Dream; Dream It Be it; Big Goal Accelerator Projects; and Fellowship all provide women and girls with access to education and training and ultimately economic empowerment.  Each of those completes a part of the whole Soroptimist puzzle.

Each of the pieces are needed and vital to complete the puzzle.  It takes all of us doing what we can to put that puzzle together.

During the next two years, let’s all do our small part to further the Soroptimist mission and working together we will create a whole wonderful picture.

Know that your entire Region Board is here to help in any way we can.  Reach out to us. Plus, we are really nice people and would love to participate in your projects and events.

Let’s do this!!  See you soon.

Governor Elise


Vicki - July 1st, 2024 at 6:15am

Nice Job! Congrats!

Marion Villalba - July 7th, 2024 at 10:39pm

Really enjoyed reading this.


nHere's to 2024 - 2026, CHEERS!





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