Our Vision: "Women and girls have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams."

Governors of Founder Region

1980 - 1982 Founder Region Governor, Marjorie Conley

1982-1984 SI/A Foundation Director
1984-1988 SI/A Treasurer
1988-1992 SI/A Foundation Secretary - Treasurer
Soroptimist International of Santa Rosa
Theme: "Windows""
Region Board  
Regional Board Lieutenant Governor: Patricia Daniels
Secretary:  Dorothy Carver
Treasurer:  Carole Steele
District 1:  Susan (Lompa) Joyce
District 2:  Del Nickerson
District 3:  Jacque Brown
District 4:  Colleen Smith
District 5:  Mabel Peterson

Region Conferences  
1981-  Berkeley - Claremont Hotel                Clubs in region: 63      Registration:  379
1982 -  Kelseyville - Konocti Harbor Inn       Clubs in region: 64      Registration:  426
 Expansion from three to five districts and the office of Lieutenant Governor were implemented in this biennium. With the continued growth of Founder Region it was a necessary step and very needed to impose less travel on the directors and provide communication between region and clubs more advantageously.

"It was a privilege to serve as governor of such a great region as it provided me personally with the background in Soroptimism so necessary to aspire to higher office in Federation and Foundation." - Gov. Marjorie

Clubs Chartered: SI/Rohnert Park - Cotati, SI/Kihei - Wailea, SI/Cloverdale, SI/Eel River Valley, SI/Saipan, SIYountville

1982 - 1984 Founder Region Governor, Patricia Daniels

1984-1986 SI/A Vice-President
1986-1988 SI/A President-elect
1988-1990 SI/A President
Soroptimist International of Santa Rosa
Theme: "Gifts of Soroptimism "

Region Board  
Lieutenant Governort:  Del Nickerson
Secretary:  Lorraine (Hanna) Komor
Treasurer:  Carole Steele
District 1:  Mary Wilson
District 2:  Joan Aldrich
District 3:  Viola Gottschalk
District 4:  Norma Rhoads Mecum

Region Conferences  
1983 - Oakland - Oakland Hyatt        Clubs in region: 65     Registration: 459
1984 -  Maui - Intercontinental          Clubs in region: 69     Registration: 453  

 Clubs Chartered:  SI/Big Foot Country, SI/Dublin, SI/Castro Valley, SI/Moraga,
SI/San Ramon, SI/the Delta 
During this biennium there was phenomenal growth in the region. In the first year of the biennium every club exceeded the 20% goal of growth as they did again in the second year.

At our second conference, in Hawaii, Madeline Bordallo, First Lady of Guam, was the keynote speaker. In recognition of her contribution to the women of the Pacific Rim, she was awarded the regional Woman of Distinction award. Another highlight was the moving, beautiful Memorial Service on the beach. From there an outrigger canoe took leis, dedicated to each woman who had died in the last year, out to place them on the ocean surface to float until the tide took them on out to sea later in the day. The installation banquet outside on the lawn near the ocean on Saturday evening was beautiful with each officer given a lei, representing an island in the Hawaiian chain and the duties of her office.

The internationality of our organization was emphasized through participation in the projects adopted at this time:
  • Chiapas Clean Water, SI/A
  • Barbados Child Care Centers and Tonga Nursing Center, SI
  • Senegal Water Project, SI
  • International President's Appeal Day on December 10 initiated by SI President                    Catherine Salt in Los Angeles the summer of 1982

1984-1986 Founder Region Governor, Del Nickerson

1990-1994 SI/A Foundation Board Member, President 92-94
1994-1996 SI/A Federation Director
1995-1996 SI/A President-Elect
Soroptimist International of Concord
Theme:  "Images of Soroptimism"

Region Board  
Lieutenant Governor:  Carol Steele
Secretary:  Lorraine (Hanna) Komor
Treasurer:  Carole Hoskins
Directors District 1:  Loretta Mayer
 District 2:  Joan Aldrich
District 3:  Barbara Nobles
District 4:  Barbara D'Arezzo
District 5:  Louise Smith

Region Conferences  
1985 - Eureka, Eureka Inn                  Clubs in region: 69      Registration:  516
1986 - Concord, Concord Hilton       Clubs in region: 73      Registration:  613
 At the conference in Eureka, there was a great ceremonial "burning of the boundaries" in the fireplace of the Inn. For the first time all of the artificial boundaries between clubs, and the source of differences through the years, were eliminated for this region. Now eligible women could join any club that was convenient or acceptable to her. Surprising, to some, it has been a much simplier process for establishment of new clubs and the providing of the opportunity for membership to more women.

During this time Founder Region Fellowship was incorporated - March 1986. It became a separate entity with each club a member. A goal of $15,000 per year was set for awards.

Clubs Chartered:  SI/Mendocino, SI/Windward Oahu, SI/Marianas,  SI/Orinda,  SI/Humboldt Ba, SI/Diablo Valley,  SI/Hilo,  SI/Tri Valley,  SI/Kauai

1986-1988 Founder Region Governor, Carol Steele

Soroptimist International of Fort Bragg
Theme:  "Dreams of Soroptimism"

Region Board  
Lieutenant Governor:  Susan (Lompa) Joyce
Secretary:  Shirley Grover
Treasurer: Lainie Lewis
Directors District 1:  Sally Sheridan/Dorothy Avilla
 District 2:  Carol Hoskins
District 3:  Barbara Nobles
District 4:  Patricia Mayer
District 5:  Eli Buinac/Louise Smith

Region Conferences  
1987 - Oakland, Hyatt Regency                       Clubs in region: 80      Registration:  561
1988 - Santa Rosa, El Rancho Tropicana       Clubs in region: 81      Registration:  632
 Things I remember most about my biennium are the following:
Having the International President, Sadun Katapoglu, at my first conference and presenting a charter to a new club, Soroptimist International of Napa Sunrise. The establishment of the "Visiting Soroptimist Program" and the wonderful visitors from other federations. The finalization of the Founder Region Fellowship Endowment Fund, the by-laws were approved by conference action, and we reached $80,000 in the endowment fund.

The adoption of an official Founder Region emblem, described as "A bird in flight". When first presented the description was a seagull... which was the symbol used for Founder Region's growth awards. During discussions, a delegate from Hawaii pointed out that there are no seagulls in Hawaii so Lt. Governor Susan Lompa amended the proposal to be a "bird" in flight and the proposal was adopted. It was a biennium of change both in conference structure and members of the Regional Board. I remember the fun, meeting new friends, but most important, watching the region grow. The second conference was one to remember - the largest attendance ever, the presence of many of the Federation Board members, raising $8,000 for each Foundation and Fellowship.  —Carole Steele

Clubs Chartered:  SI/Central Oahu, SI/Napa Sunrise, SI/Tamalpais Sunrise,  & SI/Vallejo Gateway.

July 1988 - January 1990  Founder Region Governor,  Susan (Lompa) Joyce

1984-1986 SI/A Growth and Development Committee Member
1986-1988 SI/A Growth and Development Committee Chair
Soroptimist International of Richmond
Theme: "We Are One in Service Spirit" 

Region Board  
Governor-elect: Lorraine Komor
Secretary: Shirley Grover
Treasurer: Lainie Lewis
District 1:  Dorothy Avilla
District 2:  Patti Barendreght
District 3:  Doris Jones
District 4:  Patricia Mayer/Diane Lehman
District 5:  Bette Stilwell

Region Conferences  
1989 -  Honolulu - Sheraton Waikiki     Clubs in region: 80     Registration: 406

Clubs Chartered:  SI/Kahului
Highlights of the 1989 Founder Region Conference held on Oahu, Hawaii were: A business session consisting of 22 indexes, considered under very tight time restraints. Some issues adopted were: realignment of Districts I and II, to form a new district for 1990-92; permanent deadline date of December 15 for submission of amendments for conference; a list of conference sites, with the idea that any club could then host a conference; support of the Peace Garden Project, and a focus on Alzheimer's Disease. A personal highlight was our Saturday banquet at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel, Monarch Room, where I focused on Soroptimist clubs and members as family, had my own "one night stand", singing "Love Will Be Our Home". At the close of conference it was my honor and pleasure to personally gift the Region traveling pins of office for regional officers (except governor) and directors.

At Fall District meetings in 1989, I told a tale of geese flying in formation and why they honk - to encourage their leader to keep up the pace and lead them on. When the leader tired, it went to the back of the flock, honking encouragement to a new leader. This had great meaning for our Soroptimist leaders and the future, but also gave my board members the opportunity to "Honk" at me each time I told the story.
A newsletter was begun with the name "Founder Spirit" and a committee created to produce the publication. An adhoc committee was appointed to study possible redistricting for the region. The redistricting, adding a sixth district, was adopted at the conference in 1989 with an effective date of July 1, 1990.

In addition to honoring all past governors within our region boundaries who served as governors when we were Southwestern Region and Founder Region, we also honored visiting past governors from other regions, i.e., our workshop leaders Lynn Wurth, Golden West Region; Loretta Mayer, Desert Coast Region; and our official Federation Visitor, Roberta Porter, Northwestern Region.

In January, 1990, I resigned as your governor and as a Soroptimist after 18 years of membership. This left a great void in my life. At the time I was in personal crisis, a divorce action, my son's wedding plans, purchase of a new home and moving in, the earthquake disorientation. I fell apart feeling that I could not do the best job that the region deserved. In retrospect I regret this very much, sorry for leaving so many people "holding the bag". My sincere apologies go out to everyone. I rejoined Soroptimist in April, 1991, and this was due to one member of my club continually staying in touch with me and encouraging me to return... please do not ever forget... one person can truly make a difference.

January 1990 - June 1992  Founder Region Governor,  Lorraine Komor 

Soroptimist International of Santa Rosa
Theme: "Celebration of Soroptimism" 

Region Board  
Governor-elect:  Dorothy Avilla
Secretary:   Lorraine Humphrey
Treasurer:   Yvonne Anglin/Nancy Walker
District 1:  Carolyn Poage
District 2:  Patti Cross  
District 3:  Dale Vauhgn-Bowen
District 4:  Judi Van Gorder
District 5:  Diane Lehman
District 6:  Ruth McKay

Region Conferences  
1990 -  San Ramon, Marriott        Clubs in region: 78       Registration: 526  
1992 -  San Ramon, Marriott        Clubs in region: 75       Registration: 521

 Clubs Chartered:  Noyo Sunrise

My governorship was unique in that I served from January 1990 through June 1992 and therefore presided at three regional conferences. Some highlights of these years are as follows:

  • A new district was formed from the southern portions of Districts I and II making a total of six districts in the region.
  • When I succeeded to the governorship Carol Steele served as Governor-elect pro tem until June 30, 1990. When the treasurer resigned in the fall of 1990 Carol Steele served as Treasurer until Nancy Walker was elected at the 1991 conference.
  • Several clubs were disbanded owing to low membership in accordance with Federation Procedures.
  • The first weekend in May was established as the permanent date of the regional conference.
  • Founder Region voted to become a sponsor of the annual Legislative workshop in Sacramento.
  • "Galaxy of Stars" awards were distributed at the 1991 and 1992 conferences by the district directors.
  • Founder Region Fellowship awards were increased "to an amount not to exceed $20,000."
  • District VI clubs showed exceptional growth during this period.

1992 - 1994  Founder Region Governor,  Dorothy Avila

Soroptimist International of Livermore
Theme: "Leading the Way" 

Region Board  
Governor-elect:  Patti Cross
Secretary:  Diane Lehman
Treasurer:  Nancy Walker
District 1:   Linda Zaffiro
District 2:   Sandi Hardy
District 3:  Amelia Benko
District 4:   Linda McDoniels
District 5:  Dawn Moreland  
District 6:  Ruth McKay

Region Conferences  
1993 -  San Ramon, Marriott          Clubs in region: 73       Registration: 465  
1994 -  Maui, Hawaii - Marriott      Clubs in region: 73       Registration: 353  

Clubs Chartered:   SI/Yokayo Sunrise & SI/Sonoma Sunrise  

During this biennium there were many changes that made our history unique.

The creation of the Member Services Committee, which brought together the Recruitment and Retention, Soroptimist Orientation and Leadership Training, and Public Relations Committees into a single powerful source of information for clubs of our region.

The origination of the common call, that brought to the membership information for all District and Leadership Meetings within the region under one cover.

The Pink Ribbon Campaign, where the membership joined forces and brought to their communities information on Breast Cancer Awareness through educational literature, speakers and financial aid for free mammogram programs through hospitals and women's shelters.

At the Federation Convention I was proud to accept the President's Award for 59 of our 73 clubs, participate in Foundation's celebration for the completion of the 5 in 5 Program, receive certificates for 43 of the clubs in appreciation of their support, and have Founder Region's Pink Ribbon campaign recognized and honored.

At the beginning of my biennium I invited all Soroptimists to join me on a journey down a yellow brick road. I never could have guessed it would be such a rewarding journey. Thank You, Dorothy Avilla

1994 - 1996  Founder Region Governor,  Patti Cross

Soroptimist International of Martinez
Theme: "Reaching for  Soroptimist Rainbows" 

Region Board  
Governor-elect: Nancy Walker  
Secretary:  Linda McDoniels  
Treasurer:  Robin Rudisill  
District 1:  Carol Rose    
District 2:  Mary Ann Redden    
District 3:  Patty L. Groth    
District 4:  Bev Homan    
District 5:  Donna Ayres    
District 6:  Mary L. Huebner

Region Conferences  
1995 -  Oakland                             Clubs in region:  72           Registration: 417    
1996 -  San Ramon - Marriott     Clubs in region:  72           Registration: 466  

Clubs Chartered:   SI/St. Helena Sunrise  
Clubs were chartered, both in District 6. Waipahu High School "S" Club was sponsored by Soroptimist International of Oahu, and Kennedy High School "S" Club was sponsored by Soroptimist International of the Marianas.

The initiative and personal contributions of the Founder Region Public Relations Committee gave us two issues of Founder Region News, a newsletter that was distributed to all members.

In addition, they created awards to honor clubs with outstanding public relations. Who could ever forget the Safeway bags sponsored by Soroptimist International of Eureka which went on to be recognized by the Federation.

The 15th Convention of Soroptimist International was held in San Francisco in 1995 and regional members contributed time and talent to its success. We were also lucky enough to celebrate the installation of Patsy Daniels as International President.

So many clubs took up the focus on domestic violence with awareness, advocacy, and action programs that have truly made a difference in our communities. This focus on domestic violence became a permanent identifying focus of our Federation in 1994.

1996 - 1998  Founder Region Governor,  Nancy Walker

1999-2000 SIA Federation Director
2000-2001 SIA Federation Secretary/Treasurer
2001-2002 SIA Federation President -elect
2002-2003 SIA Federation President
Soroptimist International of St. Helena Sunrise
Theme:  "Inward Journey - Outward Paths "

Region Board  
Governor-elect: Linda McDoniels  
Secretary:  Mary L. Huebner  
Treasurer:  Patty L. Groth  
District 1:  Carol Rose    
District 2:  Dion Weaver    
District 3:  Gloria Scoggin    
District 4: Carrie E.C. Domogalla    
District 5: Donna Ayres    
District 6: Angela Bugarin

Region Conferences            
1997 -  San Ramon - Marriott            Clubs in region:  72           Registration: 435    
1998 -  Berkeley Marina Marriott     Clubs in region:  72           Registration: 509  

Clubs Chartered:   SI/The North Bay  & SI/McKinleyville
We joined with Sierra Pacific Region and Sierra Nevada Region in our "Diamond Jubilee" celebration, the 75th anniversary of Soroptimist service to the world.

At the 1997 regional conference, the decision was made to restructure our six districts. Changes were made to District 1,3,4, and 5 to make a more even club distribution.
Phyllis Sweet, an inspiration to us all, was selected as the 1997 Federation recipient of the $10,000 "Training Awards Program" award.

The first "Officers and Members Training Retreat" was held in lieu of individual district leadership meetings. The new concept gives the attendees the opportunity to learn as well as interact with officers and members from other clubs in the region.

Many will remember the lengthy business meeting at the 1998 Conference when the conversion from "Procedures and Policies" to "Bylaws and Procedures" was voted on, a real learning process.

It was an honor to serve as Governor. I thank the members for their commitment,
and I commend them for their accomplishments. 

1998 - 2000  Founder Region Governor,  Linda McDoniels

2004-2006 SI/A Fund Development Council Member
2007-2008 SI/A Fund Development Council Chair
Soroptimist International of St. Helena Sunrise
Theme: "Making a Difference Together"

Region Board  
Governor-elect: Carol Rose  
Secretary:  Mary Ann Redden  
Treasurer:  Lynn Forrest Knight  
District 1:  Amelia Benko    
District 2:  Dion Weaver    
District 3:  Joan Crawford    
District 4:  Cathy Mitchell    
District 5:  Lynne Jackson    
District 6:  Judy Lee

Region Conferences            
1999 -        Clubs in region:              Registration:      
2000 -        Clubs in region:             Registration:

Soroptimist International of Livermore Sunrise was chartered getting the biennium off to a great start.  All the clubs in the Region focused on recruitment and retention feeling energized after our 75th anniversary celebrations.   The Region hosted six Japanese girls and two adults from Chuo Region for a week.  The girls and their chaperones "lived" with different members throughout the Region giving both the Japanese girls and American families a unique opportunity to interact.  Members of the Region board spent the week acting as tour guides throughout our Region.  Lasting friendships were created which still exist today.  

 At the Region conference in 2000 the Region board surprised six members with Laurel Society memberships.  The members were invited to join the Board at the head table during lunch on Saturday without a clue as to why.  When the memberships were announced the Director Director from each district presented them with their Laurel Society pin.  If was a highlight of the conference.   From 1998-2000 we made a difference together and I want to thank all the members of the Region for giving me the opportunity to serve you.  It was a ball.   
1980-1982- Marge Conley
1982-1984- Patricia Daniels
1984-1986- Del Nickerson
1986-1988- Carol Steele
1988-1990- Susan (Lompa) Joyce
1990-1992- Lorraine Komor
1992-1994- Dorothy Avilla
1994-1996- Patti Cross
1996-1998- Nancy Walker
1998-2000- Linda McDoniels
1960-1962- Mary Lorentzen-Moser
1962-1964- Evelyn Holland
1964-1966- Mary Ellen George
1966-1968 – Mary Gianotti
1968-1970- Matie Barker Sparks
1970-1972- Charlotte Chichester
1972-1974- Julia 'Bess' Combs
1974-1976- Margaret "Maggie" Knott
1976-1978- Violet Unland
1978-1980- Catherine (Jordan) Burns
1940-1942- Lessie M. Hancock
1942-1944- Lois Stanley
1944-1946- Edith B. Kelley
1946-1948- Dr. Ruth S. Thomas (Heitfield)
1948-1950- Emily N. Ziegler
1950-1952- Ruth G. White, M.D.
1952-1954- Josephine Deterding
1954-1956- Maryn Overhouse
1956-1958- Robina Sleeper
1958-1960- Grace Patton
1927-1928- Jeannie G. Todd
1928-1930- Mae Wright Hutchins
1930-1932- Blanche O Edgar
1932-1934- Amelia F. Johnson
1934-1936- Helena M. Gamble
1936-1938- Mayme V. Matthay
1938-1940- Alta D. Hengy